3 Days in Prague, a Guide

   As our first location on our European adventure, we could not have picked a better place than Prague. We spent a wonderful four days exploring all of the crevices of this historic city. Lucky for you, we also put together this wonderful guide to put your anxiety at ease as you begin a newContinue reading “3 Days in Prague, a Guide”

Cheating for Cookies

I walked into the law library today on my way to Income Tax class, and there were Tim’s cookies. Tim is a reference librarian at Oklahoma City University School of Law who often makes cookies from scratch for the students on special days. Today is Constitution Day! While most people think it is just anotherContinue reading “Cheating for Cookies”

Organic Co-Op

So today is hump-day! Time for an update! I have held true to my elimination of refined sugar from my diet! I had a dinner party Tuesday night for Turner Inn (law school inn of court) and they served Big Truck Taco, which meat-eating Caitlin wasn’t really a fan of anyway, but everyone loved it.Continue reading “Organic Co-Op”